In your opinion, what should modern teachers be like?
Аlem University объявляет о стратегическом сотрудничестве с одним из ведущих университетов Европы — Bahçeșehir Cyprus University!
Is your university accessible not only to high school graduates but also to those seeking a second education?
Our university is for everyone. In today’s educational environment, there is a trend toward diversity and integration of majors, as well as an emphasis on practical skills and flexibility in learning.
In your opinion, what should modern teachers be like?
In your opinion, what should modern teachers be like?
In the modern world, many believe that the main quality of a teacher is their professionalism. Perhaps this is true. However, in the era of technological progress and the availability of information through the internet and educational platforms, the role of a teacher is changing. Today, it is important not only to possess professional skills but also to be a mentor capable of providing spiritual enrichment.
Even in simulation games, this aspect can be developed. It is now possible to study medicine online, perform complex operations under the guidance of a teacher who indicates where to make incisions. This teacher may be excellent at teaching professional skills, but in the future, a digital teacher-avatar is unlikely to help with spiritual development or establishing an emotional connection.
We are facing increasing technological influence, and the teacher becomes not only a coach but also a spiritual guide. They direct us to realize this fact because everything else is likely to boil down to professional competence. A teacher invests something greater in us, developing our spiritual state.
For example, when I was finishing school, I had to choose between enrolling in “Mathematics” or the new profession at that time, “Management and Economics.” I decided not to choose between them but to pursue both directions.
For economics, I needed geography, and thanks to a wonderful teacher, I systematized my knowledge in a few days. She spread maps all over her apartment, explained the sequence to me, but most importantly, she gave me support and confidence in my abilities. She told me that I would succeed and that I should not be afraid to choose something new. The teacher inspired me.
I am sure that 90% of her success was due to the motivation she instilled in me.
So, who is a teacher? I believe that a teacher is more of a value guide than just a set of competencies.
Teachers should not only be digital specialists but also understand psychology. It is important that they are guided by humane values and ethics, as today many questions arise precisely on these aspects.
Conflicts in school are most often related not to knowledge but to ethical and spiritual aspects. Therefore, when choosing a teacher, values play a huge role. It is not only a model of competence but also a model of values.
I agree that in any other profession, a competency-based approach is important, but in teaching, values have even greater significance.
Is your university accessible not only to high school graduates but also to those seeking a second education?
Our university is for everyone. In the modern educational environment, there is a trend towards diversity and integration of specialties, as well as an emphasis on practical skills and flexibility in learning. Bachelor’s programs are becoming accessible not only to high school graduates but also to working professionals who wish to expand their competencies. This approach, known as “lateral entry,” allows for obtaining a second specialty and enhancing career opportunities.
Universities are becoming centers not only for those aspiring to managerial positions or their own businesses but also for everyone who wants to improve their skills. In the modern world, up to 70% of education consists of short programs, master classes, and micro-masters that provide new knowledge in a short time.
The future of education is seen in the integration of various specialties and approaches. Combined learning packages with multiple specializations or interdisciplinary approaches are becoming increasingly popular. Modern professions require not only technical skills but also communication abilities, highlighting the importance of combining STEM and CLIL skills.
Pedagogical experience is also evolving: a modern teacher should possess not only professional knowledge but also digital skills, managerial abilities, and entrepreneurial thinking. Thus, education aims to integrate various fields of knowledge, providing students with a wide range of skills and competencies.
Specialists prepared in this way will successfully adapt to the rapidly changing reality and be in demand in the labor market.
Universities are becoming research centers; however, conducting fundamental research presents significant challenges. This is due to the high requirements for funding and the infrastructure base necessary for the successful implementation of such research.
State universities, acting as research centers, need significant funding to compete with leading research universities worldwide.
At our university, the emphasis will be on applied research in the field of engineering. This research should be directed towards specific developments that can be implemented in companies or realized in projects. In Kazakhstan, research centers in universities are still developing, and serious training of teachers in research competencies is necessary for this. It is important that their research has an applied aspect and is oriented towards the end consumer of the results.
Funding for scientific projects in the country exists, but it is also necessary to develop interaction with business. The business sector should be interested in the results of Kazakhstani developments to create products under the “made in Kazakhstan” brand. At the university, we will focus on applied tools and prepare each teacher for the role of a researcher.
In addition, university teachers should also be trained in new teaching methods, digital pedagogy, communications, and psychology. This will help them improve their professional competence and teaching effectiveness. “Alem University” provides opportunities for pedagogical development for school teachers, as well as for university, college, and preschool teachers, contributing to the continuous improvement of qualification levels.
“We are preparing a new generation of leaders with a creative entrepreneurial mindset, competitive in the global world.”

“We are preparing a new generation of leaders with a creative entrepreneurial mindset, competitive in the global world.”